SchoolsEstela Romero

Juan de la Barrera Elementary

SchoolsEstela Romero
Juan de la Barrera Elementary

School Visit

Juan de la Barrera Elementary

Ziranda-San Felipe

Ambassadors: 455-499

Coordinates: 19.5197219  -100.3769694


Some nutrients of soil come from minerals. Minerals are found in small particles of rocks. Other nutrients come from humus. Humus consists of rotten plants and dead animals. “Both HUMUS and MINERALS are MAIN PROVIDERS of NUTRIENTS to plants. WATER and AIR, HUMUS and MINERALS are the four main ingredients to SOIL.”  Each team in the class took turns reading out loud.

 At every school visit the Symbolic Migration makes in Ziráhuato and San Felipe, students and teachers are informed, for the first time, how delicate, limited, and unique our Oyamel fir forests are.

 “So much we did not know about Monarch butterflies and the importance of our ecosystem to them,” teachers exclaimed with great interest.

TÜMÜ            PAPALOTL

 “This is what we call them,” children proudly remarked.

(Otomí and Nahuatl indigenous terms for “butterfly”)

 Learning about the importance of SOIL composition has been a perfect complement to all conservation efforts for our local ecosystem.

 It is now time for our students and teachers to pause. Our big festivities on December 12, day of the Virgen of Guadalupe, our patron saint in México, will mark the start of family time. Our kitchens will warm up our homes all day and night long, as we help our parents decorate our homes with christmas balls and night-color lightning. Our cozy homes will smell to hot fruit punch and endless different Mexican snacks and dishes our grandma’s inherit. ¡Colorful piñatas to break and small candy gifts we will get all over from our neighbors and relatives!

 ¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo!

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“Algunos nutrientes del suelo provienen de los minerales. Los minerales se encuentran en pequeñas partículas de las rocas. Otros nutrientes provienen del humus. El humus se compone de plantas en descomposición y animales muertos. “Tanto el HUMUS como los MINERALES son los PRINCIPALES PROVEEDORES DE NUTRIENTES para las plantas. AGUA, AIRE, HUMUS y MINERALES son los cuatro principales ingredientes del SUELO” Tomaba su turno cada equipo leyendo voz alta.

En cada visita que la Migración Simbólica hace a Zitácuaro y a San Felipe, los estudiantes y maestros se enteran, por primera vez, de cuán delicados y limitados han sido nuestros bosques de Oyamel.

 “¡Había tantas cosas que no sabíamos acerca de las mariposas Monarcas y de la importancia de la salud de nuestro ecosistema para ellas!” exclamaron los maestros con gran interés.

TÜMÜ            PAPALOTL

 (Términos indigenes Otomí y Nahuatl para la palabra “mariposa”)

Aprender sober la importance de la composición del EL SUELO, ha sido el complemento perfecto para cualquier propuesta de conservación de nuestro ecosistema local.

Ahora es tiempo de que nuestros estudiantes y maestros hagan una pausa. Nuestra gran festividad del 12 de Diciembre, día de la Virgen de Guadalupe, marca el inicio de un tiempo en familia. Nuestras cocinas estarán calientitas todo el día y la noche mientras ayudamos a nuestros padres a decorar nuestras casas con esferas y con series de colores. Nuestras acogedoras casas olerán a ponche y a cantidad de antojitos y platillos Mexicanos que nuestras abuelas nos han heredado. ¡Quebraremos muchas piñatas de colores y recibiremos aguinaldos de todos nuestros vecinos y amigos!

¡Les deseamos Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo!


Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, District of Columbia

George White Middle School, Hillsdale, New Jersey

 Lilburn Elementary, Lilburn, Georgia

George White Middle School, Hillsdale, New Jersey

Highland Park Montessori, Highland Park, Illinois

Berkeley Preparatory School, Saint Petersburg, Florida

Bonnie Brae Elementary School, Benbrook, Texas

Oconee County Primary School, Watkinsville, Georgia

Bonnie Brae Elementary School, Benbrook, Texas

Clear Creek Elementary, Hendersonville, North Carolina

Mary Lin Elementary, Atlanta, Georgia

Mary Lin Elementary, Atlanta, Georgia

Mary Lin Elementary, Atlanta, Georgia

Mary Lin Elementary, Atlanta, Georgia

Woodlawn Academy, San Antonio, Texas

Brookside Elementary, Nicholasville, Kentucky

Westside Atlanta Charter School, Atlanta, Georgia

Westside Atlanta Charter School, Atlanta, Georgia

Westside Atlanta Charter School, Atlanta, Georgia

Westside Atlanta Charter School, Atlanta, Georgia

Westside Atlanta Charter School, Atlanta, Georgia

Westside Atlanta Charter School, Atlanta, Georgia

Westside Atlanta Charter School, Atlanta, Georgia

Westside Atlanta Charter School, Atlanta, Georgia

Westside Atlanta Charter School, Atlanta, Georgia

Mielkeway Manor, Marietta, Georgia

Mills River Elementary School, Mills River, North Carolina

Andrews Academy LSL, O'Fallon, Missouri

Glenn C. Marlow Elementary, Mills River, North Carolina

Glenn C. Marlow Elementary, Mills River, North Carolina

Clegern Elementary, Edmond, Oklahoma

Collegiate School, New York, New York

Collegiate School, New York, New York

Casa Montessori School, Marietta, Georgia

Center for Inquiry School 84, Indianapolis Public Schools, Indianapolis, Indiana

Center for Inquiry School 84, Indianapolis Public Schools, Indianapolis, Indiana

Roosevelt Elementary, Janesville, Wisconsin

Jacob G. Smith Elementary School, Savannah, Georgia

Munford Middle School, Munford, Alabama

Munford Middle School, Munford, Alabama

Munford Middle School, Munford, Alabama

Munford Middle School, Munford, Alabama

Cambridge Elementary, San Antonio, Texas

Shallowford Falls Elementary, Marietta, Georgia

Blenheim District Public School, Drumbo, Ontario

Ben Franklin Elementary, La Quinta, California