SchoolsEstela Romero

José María Morelos Middle School

SchoolsEstela Romero
José María Morelos Middle School


José María Morelos Middle School

La Mesa Ejido, La Mesa Community, La Mesa Sanctuary

Coordinates: 19.5892362 -100.1762539

Ambassadors: 683-716

 The great journey of naturalist Alexander Von Humboldt to America and throughout México in the early 1800s documented the immense vegetation diversity in the states of México and east Michoacán. He attributed it to volcanic soils in this mountainous region which contain igneous rocks and are rich in silver, gold, copper, lead, zinc, and mineral coal deposits.

 Could the high mineral content in our SOIL be one more reason, besides our giant Oyamel trees, that Monarchs chose our mountains to hibernate since ancestral times?

 Here is where the two largest colonies of migrating Monarchs have overwintered for hundreds, most likely thousands of years! 

 Nowadays, highly important geothermic and hydrothermal resources give us an idea of our own fascinating geological origins while touristic activities due to the ancestral migration of Monarch butterflies make of our region an important attraction to locals and foreigners worldwide!

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El gran viaje del naturalista Alexander Von Humboldt a America y por todo México a principios de los años 1800’s documentó la inmensa diversidad de vegetación en los estados de México y el este de Michoacán, la que atribuyó a las tierras volcánicas en estas montañas que contienen rocas ígneas y que son ricas en depósitos de plata, oro, cobre, plomo, zinc y carbón mineral.

¿Será que el alto contenido mineral en nuestro SUELO es una razón adicional a nuestros gigantes árboles de Oyamel, que las Monarcas escogen nuestras montañas para hibernar desde tiempos ancestrales?

 ¡Aquí es donde las dos colonias más grandes de las Monarcas migratorias han hibernado por cientos y muy probablemente por miles de años!

¡Ahora, estos importantes recursos geotérmicos e hidrotermales nos dan una idea de nuestros propios y fascinantes orígenes geológicos mientras las actividades turísticas por la migración ancestral de las mariposas Monarcas hacen de nuestra región un importantísimo atractivo para propios y extranjeros al rededor del mundo!


Friends Seminary, New York, New York

 Brooklet Elementary School, Brooklet, Georgia

 Mayes County HOPE Digging in the Dirt After-School Program, Pryor, Oklahoma

Mockingbird Elementary School, Dallas, Texas

 Irving Elementary, Oak Park, Illinois

The Brandywine Zoo, Wilmington, Delaware

 The Brandywine Zoo, Wilmington, Delaware

 The Brandywine Zoo, Wilmington, Delaware

 Milwaukee Spanish Immersion School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

 Milwaukee Spanish Immersion School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

 Milwaukee Spanish Immersion School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

 Irving Elementary, Oak Park, Illinois

 Mansfield Elementary School, Mansfield Center, Connecticut

 Lincoln Elementary, Madison, Wisconsin

 Lincoln Elementary, Madison, Wisconsin

 Bailey Bridge Middle School, Midlothian, Virginia

 Pittsburgh Sunnyside, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

 Homeschool Christian Academy, Park Hall, Maryland

 Visitation Academy, Saint Louis, Missouri

 Congressional School, Falls Church, Virginia

 Hunterdon County Library, Clinton, New Jersey

 Colo-NESCO Elementary School, Zearing, Iowa

 Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

 Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

 Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

 Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

 Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

 Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

 Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

 Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

 Rotolo Middle School, Batavia, Illinois

 Rosemont Elementary, Virginia Beach, Virginia

 Rosemont Elementary, Virginia Beach, Virginia