Estela RomeroSor

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Elementary

Estela RomeroSor
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Elementary

School Visit

Sor Juan Inés de la Cruz Elementary

Sanacoche Community, State of México

Sanacoche Ejido

Buffer forests to Sierra Chincua Monarch Overwintering sites

Ambassadors: 785-816

Coordinates: 19.67775 -100.19183

Coming to the Sanachoche community is like arriving at a place in a fairy tale since it has the most pristine and beautiful forests you can see near the Sierra Chincua Sanctuary.

Sanachoche is the name of a common wild plant growing in our Oyamel forests which strong root which our grandparents used as a soap and disinfectant for their laundry, specially woolen garments.

Soil in the Oyamel forests is rich in mushrooms; with over 300 varieties of edible and nonedible species. We learn to recognize them early in our childhood. Most of their common names are in the indigenous Nahuatl language.

We have a mushroom festival every summer with many visitors coming from nearby towns, major cities, and universities! Dishes made with mushrooms at fancy urban restaurants can be expensive but we are able to collect and enjoy delicious preparations at home for free.

Some parents who attended today’s Symbolic Monarch Migration school visit declared it as an honorable education guest to their community. “Bringing additional education on conservation to our children is so much appreciated. Our children will be better prepared to inherit our land and preserve this treasure.”

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Venir a la comunidad de Sancoche es como llegar a un lugar de un cuentro de hadas pues tiene el bosque más bello que podamos ver cerca del Santuario Sierra Chincua.

Sanachoche es el nombre de la fuerte raíz de una planta silvestre que crece en nuestros bosques de Oyamel y que nuestros abuelos usaban como jabón y desinfectante para lavar la ropa, especialmente prendas de lana.

El suelo en nuestros bosques de Oyamel es rico en hongos; existen más de 300 variedades de especies entre comestibles y no comestibles. Nosotros aprendemos a distinguirlos desde que somos chicos. La mayoría de sus nombres están en lengua indígena Náhuatl.

¡Tenemos un festival cada verano con muchos visitantes que vienen de lugares cercanos, de grandes ciudades y universidades! Hay platillos hechos con hongos en restaurantes elegantes que son muy caros, pero nosotros aquí podemos obtenerlos y comerlos preparados deliciosamente y gratis en casa.

Algunos padres de familia que asistieron hoy a la visita de la Migración Simbólica la declararon como un huésped de honor en educación para su comunidad. “Traer educación en conservación adicional para nuestros hijos es algo que agradecemos mucho. “Nuestros hijos estarán mejor preparados para heredar nuestras tierras”


St Hildas and St Hughs School, New York, New York

New Branches Charter Academy, Grand Rapids, Michigan

St Hildas and St Hughs School, New York, New York

New Branches Charter Academy, Grand Rapids, Michigan

 Saint Luke's Episcopal School, Alamo Heights, Texas

 International Community School, Decatur, Georgia

 International Community School, Decatur, Georgia

 International Community School, Decatur, Georgia

 International Community School, Decatur, Georgia

 Monkton Central School, North Ferrisburgh, Vermont

 District Heights Elementary School, District Heights, Maryland

District Heights Elementary School, District Heights, Maryland

Alice Carlson Applied Learning Center, Benbrook, Texas

 DeZavala Elementary School - Channelview ISD, Channelview, Texas

Saint Stephens Elementary School, Conover, North Carolina

Saint Stephens Elementary School, Conover, North Carolina

Saint Stephens Elementary School, Conover, North Carolina

Saint Stephens Elementary School, Conover, North Carolina

Saint Stephens Elementary School, Conover, North Carolina

Evergreen Elementary School, Shelton, Washington

 Dr. Rodriguez Elementary, Harlingen, Texas

 Arcado Elementary School, Atlanta, Georgia

 Canterbury Elementary School, Cleveland, Ohio

 Episcopal School of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

 Eagle Hill School, Greenwich, Connecticut

 Lee Richardson Zoo, Garden City, Kansas

 The Pingry School, Short Hills, New Jersey

 The Pingry School, Short Hills, New Jersey

 Columbus Academy, Gahanna, Ohio

 Columbus Academy, Gahanna, Ohio

 Columbus Academy, Gahanna, Ohio

 Columbus Academy, Gahanna, Ohio