Emiliano Zapata Elementary
Emiliano Zapata Elementary
Pancho Maya Community
Large Buffer Forest patch to Sierra Chincua Sanctuary
Ambassadors: 918-928
Coordinates: 19.6849713 -100.2349643
Pancho Maya community is situated in a beautiful pristine forest buffer area of the Sierra Chincua Sanctuary adjacent to San Jerónimo.
“Mushrooms release enzymes (chemicals) that decompose dead plants and animals in the SOIL, turning them into rich nutrients on which they themselves rely on and grow together with many other plants!”
Teachers particularly highlighted reading this paragraphs at their donated book “Bajo tus Pies” (“Below your Feet”).
“So fun to make seed balls to throw onto our meadows and into the woods! So easy to recover some of our wild plants!” Students loved to discover such an inventive way help SOIL.
Teachers receive different incomes and benefits depending on the location of their teaching assignment and acquired skills. They regularly are offered opportunities to increase their education, including masters and doctorate degrees, financed by the state itself. The State of México has a long outstanding history of upgrading their teachers’ professional capacities.
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La comunidad de Pancho Maya se localiza dentro de una de las porciones de bosque de amortiguamiento del Santuario Sierra Chincua, pegado con San Jerónimo.
“Los hongos liberan encimas (químicos) que descomponen planta muertas y restos de animales en el SUELO conviertiéndolos en ricos nutrientes de los cuáles ellos mismos dependen para crecer junto con muchas otras plantas!”
Los maestros hicieron notar particularmente este párrafo de uno de sus libros donados “Bajo Tus Pies”.
“Suena muy divertido hacer bolas de semillas para arrojarlas en nuestros llanos o en el monte! Es muy fácil recuperar algunas de nuestras plantas silvestres” A los alumnos parece haberles encantado saber de una forma tan creativa de ayudar al SUELO.
Nuestros maestros reciben diferentes ingresos y beneficios dependiendo de su lugar de trabajo y de sus capacidades. Permanentemente se les ofrecen oportunidades de mejorar sus conocimientos, incluídas maestrías y doctorados, todo financiado por el Estado. El Estado de México tiene una gran referencia en cuanto a la mejoría en las capacidades profesionales de sus maestros.
Hunters Woods Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences, Reston, Virginia
Hunters Woods Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences, Reston, Virginia
Hunters Woods Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences, Reston, Virginia
Tender Treasures Montessori School, Woodbridge, Ontario
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary School, Pasadena, California
General Ray Davis Middle School, Stockbridge, Georgia
Academy of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans, Louisiana
Academy of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans, Louisiana
Academy of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans, Louisiana
Academy of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans, Louisiana
Plainedge Middle School, Bethpage, New York